Legal Support for Care Homes

Our business partner, regulatory solicitor Errol Archer, can provide specialist legal advice and representation.

Your CQC inspection report holds strong sway with all stakeholders and can therefore impact the success or otherwise of your business.

Errol has an impressive track record in successfully assisting Health and Social Care sector clients and can support you with:

Appealing a Notice of Decision to the First-Tier Tribunal (Care Standards)
Representations to a CQC Notice of Proposal 
Challenging a CQC Warning Notice
Handling Local Authority Safeguarding Reviews and Enquiries
Resolving Contract and Fee Disputes
Responding to a CQC draft Inspection Report
Challenging a refusal of registration
Defending a CQC criminal prosecution
Preparing for and attending Coroners’ Court Inquests

Notice of Proposal overturned upon presentation of case detailing contrary evidence

Errol successfully challenges CQC Notice of Proposal to remove an inadequately rated care home from the owner’s Certificate of Registration.

Read case study

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Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for please get in touch, we would be happy to help with your enquiry.

Does my care business need Employers’ Liability Insurance?
Yes. Under the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act, all organisations that have staff are required by law to have Employers Liability Insurance.
Does my care business need Employers’ Liability Insurance?
Yes. Under the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act, all organisations that have staff are required by law to have Employers Liability Insurance.
Does my care business need Employers’ Liability Insurance?
Yes. Under the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act, all organisations that have staff are required by law to have Employers Liability Insurance.
Does my care business need Employers’ Liability Insurance?
Yes. Under the Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act, all organisations that have staff are required by law to have Employers Liability Insurance.

Want to discuss our services further? Get in touch

A member of our Risk Control team will be in touch with you to discuss your needs and talk you through your options.