Our care home consultancy working with our industry-leading partners stands out thanks to the many years experience we have within the Care sector; based on an enviable knowledge of risk control, business efficiency, people and culture management and wealth development.
Our position as the UK’s leading independent insurance provider to the Care sector has enabled us to address the biggest pain points experienced when running a care business, hence our advice will be practical, cost-sensitive and results-focused. We work only with credible care home consultants who have experience of transforming care homes from Inadequate or Good to Outstanding.
We believe that ‘Outstanding Care’ is an amalgamation of several factors, not just meeting the CQC requirements. People with the right training, focus and mind-set, exceeding compliance requirements, welcoming and well-maintained facilities, well-managed and funded structure and leadership are the key factors in delivering excellent care. Our care home consultants work with you to identify the real opportunities for improvement with your care home business rather than just solving the issue you are bringing to us.
We can advise you from the board level to the front-line issues in running a care home business and help you implement and embed the necessary changes.
Local authorities regularly commission home care tenders across the UK. As some local authority areas can be large, tenders can often be broken up into different lots or zones that cover different geographical areas within the authority’s boundaries. Although NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) and NHS Foundation Trusts may not commission home care services directly, there may be elements of such services in continuing healthcare and hospital discharge services.
Some local authorities refer to home care tenders by different terminology. Within this sector, we can also categorise our services by the below terminology:
We have specialist Tender Managers and Tender Writers who are constantly developing their skills within the homecare sector, writing and managing hundreds of bids within their careers.
If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for please get in touch, we would be happy to help with your enquiry.
QCG reclaims VAT overcharges across multiple suppliers and delivers future energy savings for care home
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