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The Top Five Reasons to Secure Your Energy through Quality Care Group

Francesca Jeffrey


Business Efficiency

In the dynamic landscape of the care industry, managing energy costs effectively is crucial for sustainability and success. At Quality Care Group, we offer more than just energy procurement – we provide a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the unique needs of care businesses. Here are the top five reasons why securing your energy through us can make a significant difference.

Access to Experienced Energy Specialists:

Partnering with us grants you direct access to seasoned Energy Specialists and Experts. Our team is committed to providing day-to-day support, ensuring that you have a reliable point of contact for all your energy-related queries and needs. This personalised approach allows for efficient communication and quick resolution of any issues that may arise.

Tailored Energy Procurement Strategies:

We understand that each care home and multisite facility has unique energy requirements. Our Individual Care Home and multisite Energy Procurement Strategies are designed to deliver greater savings and control. By tailoring our approach to your specific needs, we maximise efficiency and minimise costs, giving you the peace of mind to focus on providing exceptional care.

Market Tracking and Insight for Transparency:

Transparency and accountability are at the core of our service. Gain access to market tracking and insights that keep you informed about market trends. This ensures that you are always aware of potential changes in energy prices and can make informed decisions that align with your business goals.

Streamlined Administration and Expert Query Handling:

We understand the challenges of managing administrative tasks related to energy. Our services go beyond procurement – we assist with bill validation, VAT checks and corrections, and a comprehensive review of costs and supply positions. Our goal is to alleviate the burden of administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your care business.

Sustainability & Net Zero Compliance:

The global shift towards sustainability and Net Zero goals is not just a trend – it's a necessity. We leverage usage data to help you make informed decisions about energy spending and potential investments in renewable technologies. Stay ahead of legislative compliance requirements and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for your care business.

But that's not all – in addition to the top 5 reasons mentioned above, we also provide services to:
Get out of Mis-sold Agreements:

If you've fallen victim to misleading energy agreements, we can help you navigate the process of getting out of them, ensuring you are not bound by contracts that don't serve your best interests.

KVA Check and Correction:

With the Targeted Charging Review in effect, a KVA check is essential for half-hourly supplies. We review your situation to see if there's an opportunity to lower charging bands, potentially saving you thousands in standing charges.

Quality Care Group is not just an energy procurement service – we are your strategic partner in navigating the complex energy landscape, ensuring cost savings, compliance, and sustainability for your care business. Contact us today and empower your business for a brighter, more efficient future.

Call us today on 01273 424904.

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